I use the Comb scanner for 100% of my scans now. All of my scans are uploaded to Ossur Design Studio where I clean up the image and do any conversion of the file in preparation for Cfab. All fab is outsourced to Spinaltech or Boston for spinal orthoses and to Hitek for all LE orthotics.
P&O Group, California
Of course, we are exposed to cost pressure and the low reimbursement by the health insurance companies. The most important thing for us, however, is that the digital workflow leads to a higher quality. It's more precise, faster, and has better revision options.
Sanitätshaus Wurster, Germany
Our decision to move to digital was driven mainly by the desire to move our fabrication in house, but we were also interested in how to better capture the unique shapes of all of our patients.We actually started our move to digital with 3D printing, and the modeling software we used for that revealed that our old methods were not really providing us with accurate, reproducible shapes. We turned to scanning, and the Comb system was the perfect combination of ease-of-use, accuracy, and versatility, so we went all in on digital.
Abilities in Motion, Ohio